About The Author
Frank Hitchens has always had a passionate interest in the technical side of aviation. Born in England, he joined the Merchant Navy, which took him to New Zealand where he eventually settled. He took just six months to qualify as Private Pilot, and has also gained his Commercial Pilot Licence. Based at the Wellington Aero Club, he undertook charter work and particularly enjoyed the navigational challenges of cross-country flying. He is a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society and has written many articles on aviation subjects, including a regular column in New Zealand Sport Aviation.
Aircraft Museums of the United Kingdom
Pioneer Aviators
Pioneer Aviators records the various stages of man’s journey into the skies, taking the reader from the earliest years of experimentation, through the early age of ballooning, into heavier-than-air flight, our ventures into space and even all the way back around to modern human-powered vessels. The book introduces the reader to almost…
Range & Endurance: Fuel-Efficient Flying in Light Aircraft
Range & Endurance – Fuel Efficient Flying in Light Aircraft was written for pilots flying light-single or twin piston-engine aircraft at the Student, Private or Commercial Pilot levels. Using the fuel carried on the aircraft in an efficient manner will not only save money…
The Encyclopedia of Aerodynamics
The Encyclopedia of Aerodynamics was written for pilots at all levels from private pilot to airline pilot, military pilots and students of aerodynamics as a complete reference manual to aerodynamic terminology. General aerodynamic text books for pilots are relatively limited in their scope…
Formulas For The E6-B Air Navigation Computer
Formulas for the Air Navigation Computer is written for pilots and air navigators at all levels of experience from the novice to the professional. The book is self-help on how to use the E6-B Air Navigation Computer. An E6-B Air Navigation Computer is a circular slide rule with a wind slide on the reverse side. It is dedicated to performing all calculations related to pre-flight planning and in-flight air navigation…
Propeller Aerodynamics
Classical aerodynamics is a compulsory study subject for pilots at all levels of experience. Propeller Aerodynamics is a subset of this fascinating subject. Propellers have their unique aerodynamic terminology, forces and handling requirements, knowledge of which all pilots must be aware of to safely handle the aircraft they are flying. Incorrect propeller handling can cause damage to the aircraft and reduce performance efficiency…